Buick Club of America 50th National Meet
The Buick Club of America 50th National Meet is Wednesday to Saturday at the Mirabeau Park Hotel and Convention Center, 1100 N. Sullivan Road.
Hosted by the Inland Northwest Chapter Buick Club of America
To register on line go to https://bcameet2023.cornerstonereg.com
To download a registration form you can print off and mail in go to 2023meet.buickclub.org/ then the registration tab in the header, there you will find a drop down menu and a tab for “Download form” if you experience any difficulty call 214-354-1348 for assistance in registering for this event.
To learn more about Spokane, WA and getting information about planning your family vacation outside of attending the BCA 2023 national meet go to https://www.visitspokane.com/
Spokane (the “Lilac City”) sits on the eastern plateau of Washington State at about 1,840 feet elevation, while Coeur d’Alene, (pronounced “core da lane”) is located in Idaho about 30 miles east of Spokane at 2,180 feet elevation. It is located on the western slope of the Rocky Mountains and on the north end of the 25-mile-long Lake Coeur d’Alene. It is known as the “Lake City.” Coeur d’Alene is considered a resort area, is the largest city in North Idaho, and is surrounded by mountains and other additional lakes. Seventy Eight lake surround our area, The Spokane river runs through the center of our downtown core and can be enjoyed from many vistas and walking bridges by visiting Riverfront park.
Spokane Valley is located between Spokane in eastern Washington near the Washington-Idaho border and Coeur d’Alene just inside the Idaho border. Spokane is the larger of the two cities, located on the Spokane River about 90 miles from the Canadian border and about 20 miles from the Idaho border.
Consider joining other like minded automotive people by joining Buick Club of America https://www.buickclub.org/