The Punkin Run Car Show is Sunday from 9am to 2pm at the Hardware Sales Parking Lot, 2034 James Street.
Tag: car show
White River High School Car Show
The White River High School Car Show is Saturday at the Buckley Log Show Grounds, 375 North River Avenue.
Fundraiser for the White River High School automotive club. Open to everyone. Rain or shine. All makes. Trophies and plaques. Wallys Drive In restaurant across the street for food. Silent auction. Parking is mostly on grass, some gravel. This is the 11th year for the show. Usually have 100-120 entries. Bring the little ones, there is an award for ages 12 and under with ride, push, pull or drag toys
Call 360-829-5550 for information or email
Summer Fun Rod Run
The Summer Fun Rod Run is Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Deming, 3295 Cedarville Road.