The Thurston County Corvettes Friday Night Cruise-In is Friday from 4pm to 7pm at the Sears Auto Center, 651 Sleater Kinney SE.
This cruise in is hosted by Thurston County Corvettes, but is open to all makes and models. Please come out and say hello to your friends.
The Thurston County Corvettes Cruise-In is every Friday from 4pm to 7pm at the old Sears Parking Lot, 651 Sleater Kinney SE.
Please join us for our weekly cruise in at the old Sears automotive parking lot in Lacey. people start cruising in around 4:00 p.m. and you’re welcome to stay as late as you like. come hang out see some cool cars and have a good time.
Event by Mustangs West
Free and Open to anyone
Huntamer Park in Lacey, WA
629 Woodland Square Loop SE, Lacey, WA 98503