West Valley Key Club Car Show

The West Valley Key Club Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 2pm at West Valley High School, 9800 Zier Road.


Hello! We’re West Valley High School’s Key Club, which is a club with the purpose of building civic awareness in our student body and hosting service events throughout our community. As part of this, we have decided to host a car show here at West Valley High School in Yakima on May 4, 2024. Profits from this event will go towards Ram Landing, a local charity that supplies food, clothing, and other essentials to students and families in the Yakima community experiencing hardship or homelessness.

We would like to invite anyone interested to join us for this fun event the whole family can enjoy! The show will go from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on the 4th with registration starting at 8 a.m. There will be awards voted on by the audience (complete with handcrafted trophies), a raffle for money and prizes, live music, food and drinks, activities, special vehicles, and more. Any type of vehicle can be entered, and there is a $10 registration fee for every entry. Spectating is completely free and we encourage everyone to come out to enjoy and vote on the cars. Award winners will be announced at 1:30 p.m. the same day.

If you are planning on attending, it would be greatly appreciated if you could either fill out this quick google form or send back an email stating your intent to attend! You can also contact us through our Facebook West Valley Key Club and Instagram @wvkey_club where we’ll be posting updates for the car show and future WV Key Club events.

